Sunday, December 30, 2012

Allison Fay Photography

So, it's been August since my last post. If you don't know me in real life, you may not know what I've been up to. Luckily, I'm about to tell you! 

I decided photography was something I honestly love, so I decided to pour my heart and soul into it. I started learning as much as I possibly could and practicing as much as I could, all while trying to train for the St. Jude half marathon and work 40 hours a week. Needless to say, I was busy.

I started taking pictures for friends and family in order to practice, then a few other people asked me to take their pictures as well, and it's just kind of grown from there. 

Several people were interested in photographs for their Christmas cards, and here are a few of them...

Lots of other great things have happened and are happening, and I can't wait to share it all with you! I decided to get started early on my resolutions for the new year, and blogging is one of them. I'm not doing so hot with trying to eliminate soda, so I figure it's a lot easier to blog. 

If you are interested in checking out my photography pages, my Facebook page is here and my website (which is a work in progress) can be found here. Give me some love if you have the time!

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