Friday, December 30, 2011

The Best of 2011

We started 2011 off with a bang- by moving into a bigger house. We are love it here- a spare bedroom, bigger kitchen, large living and dining room, just bigger in general. And so much nicer!

The spring months were spent finishing up school, for me and Brandon. It also happened to be my last semester of school, EVER! I found out I had a job in March, which was a huge relief, since the job market was scary at the time (and still is).

I graduated in May, which was a pretty big deal. Finally, I was finished with school! Kelly threw me a graduation party at her house, and my whole family came!

Over the summer, we were both training for the Chicago Half Marathon. I was also studying for... and stressing about getting licensed as a pharmacist. Thankfully, I passed both exams, and started working as an official pharmacist.

In August, Brandon and I took our first major vacay since our honeymoon. We went to Chicago, which was amazing! We ran a half-marathon there, which happened to be my first ever. I was so proud of myself.  :) Brandon started back to school soon after we returned.

The last days of Summer and first days of Fall were spent helping Kelly make preparations for precious baby Anniston. You can read about some of the crafts we did, and all about decorating her nursery. Brandon and I also threw them a baby shower. At the last minute, I decided to bite the bullet and buy the camera I had been wanting. I decided that was as good a time as ever, right before my neice was born, right?

Well, that was the best decision of the year! After Anniston was born, I spent almost every waking minute that I wasn't working with her and Kelly. I won't even divulge how many pictures are labeled "Anniston" in my library. Even after I cleaned the bad ones out. It's ridiculous.

Eventually, I had to spend some time with my neglected husband, and some time training for the St. Jude marathon. Of course, I still had to see Anniston as much as possible!

Brandon and I ran St. Jude in early December. We spent the rest of the month buying presents and planning our Christmas brunch. The holidays were the best this year- so much more fun with Anniston around!

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